Do deer eat Techny arborvitae?

The deer will eat just about anything during the winter when their food supply is scarce. Talk about a great plant to grow and sell! Techny Arborvitae is extremely popular with landscapers and landscape architects. When they use them in a landscape they often use many of them for a long hedge row.Click to see full answer. Consequently, how do I keep deer from eating my arborvitae? Top 3 Best Ways to Protect Arborvitae from Deer Use deer repellent. Repellent spray is one of the more common ways to control deer feeding. Try netting, burlap or mesh. Installing a physical barrier around your arborvitae tree is the best way to keep deer out. Swap ’em for deer-resistant arborvitaes. Furthermore, will arborvitae grow back after deer eat them? What to Do When a Deer Eats Your Arborvitae Branches. Bare branches without needles likely won’t grow back after a deer’s gotten to them. Trim off the branches that are bare, brown or beyond repair. Then, give it water, fertilizer and protect it from deer next season. People also ask, are there deer resistant arborvitae? The majority of arborvitae varieties are not deer-resistant. These include the “Green Giant”, trademarked Spring Grove and “Zebrina” varieties of the western or giant arborvitae (Thuja plicata), flourishing in USDA zones 5 to 8. “Green Giant” attains up to 50 feet in height, with very little spread in width.What kind of trees will DEER not eat?As a general rule, evergreen trees that tend to be ignored by deer include species of juniper, pines, firs and spruces. Deciduous trees that exhibit deer resistance include Paw Paw, Black Tupelo, Mimosa, Red Maple, Japanese Maple, Black Locust, Sweetgum, Mulberry and Black Walnut.
