Baldur's Gate 3: All Skill Check & How They Work in BG3

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Whenever your character wants to learn about something in Baldur’s Gate 3, they typically need to make a skill check. Is there a trap nearby? They may perform an Insight or an Investigation check. Is someone hurt, and your character wants to see if they can heal the nasty wound? They make a Medicine check. 

A character will specialize in a handful of skills, but you can’t expect everyone in your party to be perfect at everything. You want a good, balanced party to succeed properly throughout the campaign. Here’s what you need to know about how all skills and how they work in Baldur’s Gate 3.

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Every Skill & What They Do in Baldur’s Gate 3

Every skill you roll on in Baldur’s Gate 3 has an associated Ability point. For example, if your character wants to perform a Sleight of Hand roll, the roll can get an increased or decreased based on if your character is proficient in the skill, and if they get a bonus based on their Dexterity score. It can be challenging to keep track of them all, and you may need to consult your trusty Character Sheet throughout the campaign before making a roll.

Of the six various Ability Scores, Constitution is the only one that does not have additional skill rolls for you to make. Those ones only occur in combat. These are all of the Skill Checks you can make in Baldur’s Gate 3, and the associated Ability Scores that give them a benefit.

All Charisma Skills in Baldur’s Gate 3

These are all the skills that use Charisma as the ability modifier.

Skill CheckSkill Description
DeceptionDuring a conversation, your character may need to lie or bend the truth to gain another’s favor.
IntimidationWhile gentle words can work, some characters respond just as well to threats. Your character can insist on a threat against another person, not to physically harm them, but use their physical size and presence to break another’s will without lifting a finger.
PerformancePlaying an instrument or acting in front of a crowd without missing a distinct stroke takes time. Your character knows how to woo a crowd and command it with authority.
PersuasionNot everyone you meet is willing to do something for you. But your character has a silver tongue, and they convince another that by helping you, they’re helping everyone.

All Dexterity Skills in Baldur’s Gate 3

These are all the skills that use Dexterity as the ability modifier.

Skill CheckSkill Description
AcrobaticsSimilar to Athletics, Acrobatics is your character’s more physical performance in situations. Unlike Athletics, when performing an Acrobatics skill check, your character shows off their flexibility, prowess, or balance.
Sleight of HandBeing able to remove a key from a guard’s belt loop is no easy task, and with a little sleight of hand, your character can do it without ever being noticed.
StealthYou can hide in the shadows before anyone notices your presence. Being able to hide before an encounter gives your character a surprise round and gives them an advantage.

All Intelligence Skills in Baldur’s Gate 3

These are all the skills that use Intelligence as the ability modifier.

Skill CheckSkill Description
ArcanaYour character’s knowledge of Arcana can help them suss out the precise origins of an object or inform the party of a magically locked chest that would otherwise harm them should they attempt to open it.
HistoryCertain names and objects have made their mark on history. Your character is well versed in what’s happened in the world and remembers them in detail.
InvestigationWith a keen eye, your character can look around a room to learn the truth of what’s happening. They might be able to notice a nearby trap or point out that there’s a hidden passageway protected by a bookcase.
NatureWhat’s the difference between a mushroom you can eat and another that can restrain you to bed in a few days? Your character has spent time outside the walls of civilization, and they know how to live off the land without worry.
ReligionReligion plays a critical role in the world, and there are many deities that people call upon for aid. Clerics can invoke the name of one they wish to give them power, and your character can tell the history of that religion, their domain, and what they stand for. 

All Strength Skills in Baldur’s Gate 3

These are all the skills that use Strength as the ability modifier.

Skill CheckSkill Description
AthleticsDo you want your character to reach a certain height, or jump across a small gap? They need to have decent athletics, which can be used in combat or out of combat. Having a decent form of athletics can assist a character when they fall to the ground, preventing them from landing prone and remaining upright, ready to fight.

All Wisdom Skills in Baldur’s Gate 3

These are all the skills that use Wisdom as the ability modifier.

Skill CheckSkill Description
Animal HandlingYour character has been around animals before, and they have learned how to gain their trust and pick up on their behavior. Animal handling can be used to assist a creature or recognize if they are aggressive.
InsightWhen someone is hiding something from your party, your character may be able to pick up on it. It can be as simple as knowing that person is lying or trying to hide something.
MedicineHow deep is a wound? Is it infected? What’s the best way to treat a broken bone, or a deep cut, and how do you deal with a particular poison? Your character is well-versed in healing others, ensuring everyone can make a full recovery.
PerceptionYour character notices small details in the environment that others may not immediately pick up. They could notice track marks of an impending ambush, or if someone has stolen a book from a bookshelf. 
SurvivalWhat kind of tracks made those? Was it a simple boar, or was it an owlbear? Your character can track various animals, safely forage for food, and handle various natural encounters.

About the author

Zack Palm

Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.

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